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These projects were used to build wizardwebssh. Thank you!

python | poetry | copier-poetry

Run dependencies

Package Description Version License
paramiko SSH2 protocol library 2.10.1 LGPL
toml Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language 0.10.2 MIT
tomlkit Style preserving TOML library 0.10.0 MIT
tornado Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. 6.1

Development dependencies

Package Description Version License
duty A simple task runner. 0.7.0 UNKNOWN
git-changelog Automatic Changelog generator using Jinja2 templates. 0.5.0 UNKNOWN
httpx The next generation HTTP client. 0.22.0 BSD
jinja2-cli A CLI interface to Jinja2 0.8.1 BSD
mkdocs Project documentation with Markdown. 1.2.3 BSD
mkdocs-coverage MkDocs plugin to integrate your coverage HTML report into your site. 0.2.5 UNKNOWN
mkdocs-macros-plugin Unleash the power of MkDocs with macros and variables 0.6.4 MIT
mkdocs-material A Material Design theme for MkDocs 8.2.5 MIT
mkdocstrings Automatic documentation from sources, for MkDocs. 0.17.0 UNKNOWN
mypy Optional static typing for Python 0.931 MIT License
pydocstyle Python docstring style checker 6.1.1 MIT
pytest pytest: simple powerful testing with Python 7.0.1 MIT
pytest-cov Pytest plugin for measuring coverage. 3.0.0 MIT
pytest-randomly Pytest plugin to randomly order tests and control random.seed. 3.10.3 MIT
pytest-sugar pytest-sugar is a plugin for pytest that changes the default look and feel of pytest (e.g. progressbar, show tests that fail instantly). 0.9.4 BSD
pytest-xdist pytest xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes 2.5.0 MIT
toml Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language 0.10.2 MIT
types-cryptography Typing stubs for cryptography 3.3.15 Apache-2.0 license
types-enum34 Typing stubs for enum34 1.1.8 Apache-2.0 license
types-ipaddress Typing stubs for ipaddress 1.0.8 Apache-2.0 license
types-mock Typing stubs for mock 4.0.11 Apache-2.0 license
types-paramiko Typing stubs for paramiko 2.8.13 Apache-2.0 license
types-toml Typing stubs for toml 0.10.4 Apache-2.0 license
wps-light The strictest and most opinionated python linter ever (lighter fork). 0.15.3 MIT

Indirect dependencies

Package Description Version License
ansimarkup Produce colored terminal text with an xml-like markup 1.5.0 Revised BSD License
anyio High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations 3.5.0 MIT
astor Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs 0.8.1 BSD-3-Clause
astunparse An AST unparser for Python 1.6.3 BSD
attrs Classes Without Boilerplate 21.4.0 MIT
bcrypt Modern password hashing for your software and your servers 3.2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0
certifi Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. 2021.10.8 MPL-2.0
cffi Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code. 1.15.0 MIT
charset-normalizer The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet. 2.0.12 MIT
click Composable command line interface toolkit 8.0.4 BSD-3-Clause
colorama Cross-platform colored terminal text. 0.4.4 BSD
coverage Code coverage measurement for Python 6.2 Apache 2.0
cryptography cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers. 36.0.2 BSD or Apache License, Version 2.0
execnet execnet: rapid multi-Python deployment 1.9.0 MIT
failprint Run a command, print its output only if it fails. 0.8.0 UNKNOWN
flake8 the modular source code checker: pep8 pyflakes and co 3.9.2 MIT
flake8-polyfill Polyfill package for Flake8 plugins 1.0.2 MIT
ghp-import Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch. 2.0.2 Apache Software License
h11 A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 0.12.0 MIT
httpcore A minimal low-level HTTP client. 0.14.7 BSD
idna Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 3.3 BSD-3-Clause
importlib-metadata Read metadata from Python packages 4.8.3 UNKNOWN
iniconfig iniconfig: brain-dead simple config-ini parsing 1.1.1 MIT License
Jinja2 A very fast and expressive template engine. 3.0.3 BSD-3-Clause
Markdown Python implementation of Markdown. 3.3.6 BSD License
MarkupSafe Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup. 2.0.1 BSD-3-Clause
mccabe McCabe checker, plugin for flake8 0.6.1 Expat license
mergedeep A deep merge function for 🐍. 1.3.4 UNKNOWN
mkdocs-autorefs Automatically link across pages in MkDocs. 0.3.1 ISC
mkdocs-material-extensions Extension pack for Python Markdown. 1.0.3 MIT License
mypy-extensions Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker. 0.4.3 MIT License
packaging Core utilities for Python packages 21.3 BSD-2-Clause or Apache-2.0
pluggy plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python 1.0.0 MIT
ptyprocess Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal 0.7.0 UNKNOWN
py library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities 1.11.0 MIT license
pycodestyle Python style guide checker 2.7.0 Expat license
pycparser C parser in Python 2.21 BSD
pyflakes passive checker of Python programs 2.3.1 MIT
Pygments Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. 2.11.2 BSD License
pymdown-extensions Extension pack for Python Markdown. 9.1 MIT License
PyNaCl Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library 1.5.0 Apache License 2.0
pyparsing Python parsing module 3.0.7 MIT License
PyQt5 Python bindings for the Qt cross platform application toolkit 5.15.6 GPL v3
PyQt5-Qt5 The subset of a Qt installation needed by PyQt5. 5.15.2 LGPL v3
PyQt5-sip The sip module support for PyQt5 12.9.1 SIP
PyQt5-stubs PEP561 stub files for the PyQt5 framework UNKNOWN
PyQtWebEngine Python bindings for the Qt WebEngine framework 5.15.5 GPL v3
PyQtWebEngine-Qt5 The subset of a Qt installation needed by PyQtWebEngine. 5.15.2 LGPL v3
pytest-forked run tests in isolated forked subprocesses 1.4.0 MIT
python-dateutil Extensions to the standard Python datetime module 2.8.2 Dual License
pytkdocs Load Python objects documentation. 0.15.0 UNKNOWN
PyYAML YAML parser and emitter for Python 6.0 MIT
rfc3986 Validating URI References per RFC 3986 1.5.0 Apache 2.0
semver Python helper for Semantic Versioning ( 2.13.0 BSD
six Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities 1.16.0 MIT
sniffio Sniff out which async library your code is running under 1.2.0 MIT -or- Apache License 2.0
snowballstemmer This package provides 29 stemmers for 28 languages generated from Snowball algorithms. 2.2.0 BSD-3-Clause
termcolor ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal. 1.1.0 MIT
tomli A lil' TOML parser 1.2.3
typing-extensions Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+ PSF
watchdog Filesystem events monitoring 2.1.7 Apache License 2.0
zipp Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files 3.6.0 UNKNOWN